Get to know us


Smylunite is a vibrant community initiative based in Rotterdam, dedicated to creating a space where people from all walks of life can come together to celebrate creativity, art, music, and fun. Smylunite welcomes everyone, encouraging a diverse mix of talents and ideas.

The initiative thrives on the support of its members and the community, fostering a lively and inclusive environment for sharing and spreading joy through various creative expressions.

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building
white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting


In recent times, the party scene in Rotterdam has faced significant challenges. Iconic venues like Poing, Time is the New Space, Weelde, and others have closed their doors, leaving a void in the city's vibrant nightlife. This crisis has left many of us longing for more than just a place to dance; we yearn for cool parties and spaces where we can come together and simply hang out with each other.

It is with this sentiment in mind that Smylunite was born. We saw the need for a fresh, dynamic initiative to revitalize the spirit of Rotterdam's nightlife. Smylunite is not just about throwing parties; it's about creating a community where people from all walks of life can gather to celebrate creativity, art, music, and fun. Our goal is to fill the void left by the closures and provide a welcoming space where everyone is encouraged to bring their unique talents and ideas.